Steve Bolnick is recognised as one of southern Africa’s outstanding safari guides. He grew-up with a deep love for the African bush and has spent the past 29 years living and guiding in southern Africa. Steve has trained aspiring guides in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe and has led research safaris for the WWF and Washington University.
Between guiding he has acquired three university degrees in related subjects. Steve is the only guide to be licensed to operate professionally in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. His passion is foot-safaris in big game country and he is certified as a specialist guide.
Steve is deeply involved in conservation and believes that the future of Africa’s exceptional wildlife heritage depends upon the involvement of the rural people who live in close contact with it. He therefore works with rural communities to try and ensure that they benefit from the sustainable management of their natural resources.
He established the NGO Community Conservation Ecotourism and Development, and established and directs the Chizarira Community Conservation Programme and Chizarira Anti-Poaching Unit. His years of experience qualify Steve to design, arrange and lead safaris for the most discerning guests and his licensing allows him to personally guide these guests in several African countries.